Tomica Hero Wiki
Tomica Hero Wiki
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The Rescue Crusher is a large secondary rescue tool used by Rescue Force. In order to activate its functions, a Rescue Commander has to be connected to Rescue Crusher.


Trunk Mode[]

Trunk Mode is Rescue Crusher's standby mode until needed.

Mantis Mode[]

In this mode, Rescue Crusher's chainsaw is folded out. Its move is Mantis Impact, where the blade charges up and sends an energy blast that could slice its target.

Whale Mode[]

In this mode, Rescue Crusher's spray cannon is set out front. Its move is Whale impact, shooting a spray of water or vaccine. This mode is usually used for extinguishment.

Drill Crusher[]

R3 combined her Rescue Crusher with her Rescue Breaker, break drill mode, forming Drill Crusher. Drill Crusher's drill sends a powerful spinning enrgy when rammed through or launched.

Rescue Cards[]

  • Mantis Impact - summons Mantis impact when Rescue Crusher is in Mantis Mode
  • Whale Impact - summons Whale Impact when Rescue Crusher is in Whale Mode.